The Wisconsin Primate Research Center (WPRC) has compiled lists of primate vocalizations available on the World Wide Web. Links are sorted by genus name.
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- How to secure copyright permission
- Bibliography of Non-Human Primate Vocalizations (Vocal Repertoires of Non-Human Primates)
- Brachyteles hypoxanthus: Long neigh #1 (Luisa Arnedo; UW-Madison)
- Brachyteles hypoxanthus: Long neigh #2 (Luisa Arnedo; UW-Madison)
- Brachyteles hypoxanthus: Long neigh #3 (Luisa Arnedo; UW-Madison)
- Brachyteles hypoxanthus: Long neigh #4 (Luisa Arnedo; UW-Madison)
- Brachyteles hypoxanthus: Neigh sequence (Luisa Arnedo; UW-Madison)
- Brachyteles hypoxanthus: Short neigh #1 (Luisa Arnedo; UW-Madison)
- Brachyteles hypoxanthus: Short neigh #2 (Luisa Arnedo; UW-Madison)
- Brachyteles hypoxanthus: Staccato #1 (Luisa Arnedo; UW-Madison)
- Brachyteles hypoxanthus: Staccato #2 (Luisa Arnedo; UW-Madison)
- Callicebus discolor duet (Di Fiore & Fernandez-Duque)
- Cebus apella: contact noises (ECOSARA Biodiversity Database)
- Cercopithecus ascanius: Chirp (African Primates at Home/Indiana University)
- Adult female snake alarm call (Dorothy Cheney & Robert Seyfarth; University of Pennsylvania)
- Male leopard alarm call (Dorothy Cheney & Robert Seyfarth; University of Pennsylvania)
- Subadult male eagle alarm call (Dorothy Cheney & Robert Seyfarth; University of Pennsylvania)
- Vervet Monkey Vocalizations (click on the sound diagram to hear each alarm call; Dorothy Cheney & Robert Seyfarth; University of Pennsylvania)
- Colobus guereza: Male roar (African Primates at Home/Indiana University)
- Eulemur rubriventer: Loud call at night (Erik Patel; Cornell University)
- Gorilla gorilla beringei: Belch (African Primates at Home/Indiana University)
- Gorilla gorilla beringei: Chest-beat (African Primates at Home/Indiana University)
- Gorilla gorilla beringei: Grunts, chestbeating (Wild Sanctuary)
- Hapalemur griseus: Chatter-squeal during agonism (Erik Patel; Cornell University)
- Hapalemur griseus: Ticks and purrs (Erik Patel; Cornell University)
- Hapalemur griseus: Ticks and whee (Erik Patel; Cornell University)
- Two gibbons in polyphony (Natural History Museum of Slovenia)
- Lemur catta: Troop calls (Wild Sanctuary)
- Cercocebus albigena: Whoop-gobble (African Primates at Home/Indiana University)
- Microcebus rufus: Vocalization (Erik Patel; Cornell University)
- Hylobates (Nomascus) leucogenys: Sound Gallery (Thomas Geissman’s Gibbon Research Lab)
- Slow loris chitter (Dr Anna Nekaris’ little fire face project; mp3)
- Slow loris chitter and scream (Dr Anna Nekaris’ little fire face project; mp3)
- Slow loris panting (Dr Anna Nekaris’ little fire face project; mp3)
- Slow loris scream (Dr Anna Nekaris’ little fire face project; mp3)
- Slow Loris Vocalizations (Dr Anna Nekaris’ little fire face project)
- Pan troglodytes: Scream (African Primates at Home/Indiana University)
- Pan troglodytes: Vocalization (
- What do bonobos sound like? (Bonobo Conservation Initiative)
- Calls given by adult females during social interactions (click the sound diagram to hear each call; Dorothy Cheney & Robert Seyfarth; University of Pennsylvania)
- Female baboon ‘contact’ and ‘alarm’ barks (click the sound diagram; Dorothy Cheney & Robert Seyfarth; University of Pennsylvania)
- Male baboon wahoos (click the sound diagram; Dorothy Cheney & Robert Seyfarth; University of Pennsylvania)
- Orangutan call repertoires (For more information and sonograms, see: M.E. Hardus, A.R. Lameira, I. Singleton, H.C. Morrogh-Bernard, C.D. Knott, M. Ancrenaz, S.S. Utami Atmoko and S.A. Wich, “A description of the orangutan’s vocal and sound repertoire, with a focus on geographic variation.” In. Orangutans: Geographic Variation in Behavioral Ecology and Conservation, ed. by S.A Wich, S.S. Urami Atmoko, T.M. Setia, and C.P. van Schaik. Oxford University Press, 2009.; UniversitÃ¥t Zurich; May 9, 2012)
- Propithecus candidus: Chatter-squeal during agonism (Erik Patel; Cornell University)
- Propithecus candidus: Howls (Erik Patel; Cornell University)
- Propithecus candidus: Multiple animal aerial roars (Erik Patel; Cornell University)
- Propithecus candidus: Single animal roars (Erik Patel; Cornell University)
- Propithecus candidus: Zzuss call (Erik Patel; Cornell University)
- Propithecus diadema: Chatter, Squeal and Purr (Erik Patel, John Anderson, Mitchell T. Irwin; Cornell and Stony Brook University)
- Propithecus diadema: Howl (Erik Patel, John Anderson, Mitchell T. Irwin; Cornell and Stony Brook University)
- Propithecus diadema: Hum (Erik Patel, John Anderson, Mitchell T. Irwin; Cornell and Stony Brook University)
- Propithecus diadema: MMM (Erik Patel, John Anderson, Mitchell T. Irwin; Cornell and Stony Brook University)
- Propithecus diadema: Purr (Erik Patel, John Anderson, Mitchell T. Irwin; Cornell and Stony Brook University)
- Propithecus diadema: Roar (Erik Patel, John Anderson, Mitchell T. Irwin; Cornell and Stony Brook University)
- Propithecus diadema: Zzuss (Erik Patel, John Anderson, Mitchell T. Irwin; Cornell and Stony Brook University)
- Propithecus edwardsi: Aerial roars (Erik Patel; Cornell University)
- Propithecus edwardsi: Mmm call (Erik Patel; Cornell University)
- Saguinus oedipus: Bark bout (Matthew Campbell; UW-Madison)
- Saguinus oedipus: High chirp trill (Matthew Campbell; UW-Madison)
- Saguinus oedipus: Mobbing response (Matthew Campbell; UW-Madison)
- Saguinus oedipus: Series of A chirps (Matthew Campbell; UW-Madison)