DRAFT Virology services prices

Virology Services Pricing

Virology Services prices below are effective May 1, 2022 – April 30, 2023. We review rates annually to reflect changing costs. Please contact Virology Services at virologyservices@g-groups.wisc.edu with any questions or for specific rate information.

PLASMA PREPARATION FROM WHOLE BLOOD plasma must be isolated from whole blood samples prior to vRNA extraction and QRT-PCR. 1 sample $16.27
QRT-PCR ASSAY, TESTED IN DUPLICATE QRT-PCR assay specific for commonly used SIVmac and sm strains, tested in duplicate 1 sample $28.01
SIV/SHIV P27 ELISA ASSAY Assay to determine p27 antigen content of a stock virus 1 assay (up to 20 samples) $984.92
CYTOMEGALOVIRUS VIRAL LOAD ASSAY viral load assay including DNA isolation and QPCR, tested in duplicate. Results guaranteed in less than 2 weeks (standard turn around time is 8 weeks) 1 sample $32.30
EXPEDITED VIRAL LOAD ASSAY viral load assay including vRNA isolation and QRT-PCR, tested in duplicate. Results guaranteed in less than 2 weeks (standard turn around time is 8 weeks) 1 sample $74.48
STANDARD VIRAL LOAD ASSAY viral load assay including vRNA isolation and QRT-PCR, tested in duplicate. (standard turn around time is 8 weeks) 1 sample $52.01
LIGHTCYCLER (READY TO RUN PLATE) The user will prepare samples and bring the plate ready to be run on the LC480. A plate and sealing foil are provided. single plate (up to 96 or 384 samples) $33.53
QUANTITATIVE VIRAL OUTGROWTH ASSAY (QVOA) Assay to measure latent reservoir of SIV 1 sample $800-1000

*Prices do not include indirect costs (facilities & administrative overhead) for non-University of Wisconsin clients.

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