- Breakthrough: Her vision was getting worse, than animal research made things clear Nov. 15, 2019
- Help people and monkeys: Project Monkey Island
- WNPRC Zika research portal
- About NIH: A video from our primary funding institute (6:40 min)
- Communicating your research and animal care to the public
- Speaking of Research: Monkeys, research, retirement, and public interests
- Stem Cells at 20: A milestone (Fall 2018)
- Nobel Prize Winners lead the call for greater openness in animal research
- “To woo public, Europe opens up on animal experiments, but U.S. less transparent: July 14, 2017
- “He has become very famous for his work on stem cells”: June 20, 2017
- The Critical Role of Nonhuman Primates (NHPs) in Scientific and Medical Research Aug. 24, 2017
- The genetic breakthrough that could change humanity, explained Jan. 16, 2016
- High-throughput computing, HIV and the mystery of ‘elite controllers’ Oct. 7, 2015
- Can the Bacteria in Your Gut Explain Your Mood? June 23, 2015
- Why Animals Are Needed in Research June 1, 2015
- Primate Biology: New International Open Access Journal May 28, 2015
- En Passage, an Approach to the Use and Provenance of Immortalized Cell Lines, April 15, 2015
- Primate research and twenty years of stem cell firsts, January 7, 2015
- Animal Research Ethics Discussion with Eric Sandgren and Jeffrey Kahn, Oct. 8, 2014.
- Response to Ruth Decker’s change.org petition, Oct. 20, 2014.
- Why Primate Models Matter American Journal of Primatology, April 10, 2014.
- New! Primate Biology. An International Open Access Journal on Primate Research. March 26, 2014.
- What are Stem Cells? TED video and curriculum produced by Craig A. Kohn. September 11, 2013
- Free iBook: Primates in Medical Research now available Aug. 27, 2013
- Ned Kalin – Revealing Disorders of the Brain May 8, 2013
- Christopher Coe, collaborators, are Cool Science Image winners (second image in slideshow) April 2, 2013
- In vitro modeling of Hematopoiesis: From Pluripotency to Blood January 24, 2013
- Court upholds federal funding of embryonic stem cell research August 24, 2012
- Nash Collection of Primates in Art and Illustration
- Many Voices Speaking of Animal Research (Speaking of Research; July 18, 2012)
- Polycystic Ovary Syndrome: Lessons From Monkeys. (Speaking of Research: May 7, 2012)
- NPRCs at the USA Science & Engineering Festival 2012 (pdf)