Primate Info Net is Back!

Three red howler monkeys calling on a branch
Red howler monkeys by Carolyn Crockett

By Jacqueline N. Rubin, WNPRC editorial intern
Aug 25, 2020

The Wisconsin National Primate Research Center has launched the new Primate Info Net. The website provides resources for anyone interested in nonhuman primates.

Some of PIN’s most prominent features include primates in the news, educational resources, such as the always popular primate species fact sheets, information services and research resources. Whether looking for a few nonhuman primate facts or more detailed information, PIN can provide the guidance you need.

Other features on the site include Ask Primate and the Career Center. Ask Primate allows anyone to inquire about any primate or primatology topic. The Career Center facilitates exploration of jobs and volunteer opportunities in primatology, as well as offering career guidance from scientists.

Some of PIN’s most prominent features for researchers include the Primate-Science and Primate-Enrichment discussion forums, as well as Primate-Jobs, where one can post and also look for positions in primatology.

PIN provides a plethora of resources, one being the International Directory of Primatology (IDP) for both people and organizations. The IDP provides information about organizations, population management groups, information resources and people currently active in the areas of primate research, education and conservation.

Another valuable feature of the PIN website is the news and publications section. This resource assists both scientists and the public in learning more about daily discoveries. PIN has resources for researchers in the field, in the lab, and committed to everything from conservation of the primates to improving human health through biomedical research.

We hope the relaunch of PIN will make learning about primates an enjoyable and informative experience. We encourage you to explore the new PIN and to contact us with any questions about and suggestions for this updated resource. We hope you’re as excited as we are about PIN’s return!