Virology Services prices below are effective May 1, 2024. We review rates annually to reflect changing costs. Please contact Virology Services at with any questions or for specific rate information.
PLASMA PREPARATION FROM WHOLE BLOOD | Plasma must be isolated from whole blood samples prior to vRNA/DNA extraction and (RT)-qPCR. | 1 sample | $22.38 |
VRNA EXTRACTION FROM PLASMA | 1 sample | $30.88 | |
RT-qPCR ASSAY, TESTED IN DUPLICATE | RT-qPCR assay specific for various viruses including commonly used SIVmac and SHIV strains, influenza, Zika virus, Dengue virus, etc., tested in duplicate | 1 sample | $36.25 |
CYTOMEGALOVIRUS VIRAL LOAD ASSAY | Viral load assay including DNA isolation and qPCR, tested in duplicate. | 1 sample | $40.45 |
EXPEDITED VIRAL LOAD ASSAY | Viral load assay including vRNA isolation and RT-qPCR, tested in duplicate. Results guaranteed in less than 2 weeks (standard turn around time is up to 8 weeks) | 1 sample | $91.31 |
STANDARD VIRAL LOAD ASSAY | Viral load assay including vRNA isolation and RT-qPCR, tested in duplicate (standard turn around time is up to 8 weeks) | 1 sample | $67.13 |
LIGHTCYCLER (READY TO RUN PLATE) | The user will prepare samples and bring the plate ready to be run on the LC480 or LC96. A plate and sealing foil are provided. | single plate (up to 96 or 384 samples) | $51.50 |
VIRAL LOAD ASSAY FROM TISSUE SAMPLES (RNA VIRUS) | Viral load assay to quantify RNA in tissue samples. This includes RNA isolation and RT-qPCR performed in duplicate | 1 sample | $67.62 |
VIRAL LOAD ASSAY FROM TISSUE SAMPLES (DNA VIRUS) | Viral load assay to quantify DNA in tissue samples. This includes DNA isolation and qPCR performed in duplicate | 1 sample | $57.27 |
MPOX CLADE IIb VIRAL LOAD ASSAY | Viral load assay including DNA isolation and qPCR, tested in duplicate. | 1 sample | $45.31 |
QUANTITATIVE VIRAL OUTGROWTH ASSAY (QVOA) | Assay to measure latent reservoir of SIV | 1 sample | $900-$1200 |
INTACT PROVIRAL DNA ASSAY (IPDA) | Assay to quantify potentially inducible SIV proviral DNA from PBMC or specific cellular subsets | 1 sample | $283.50 |
*Prices do not include indirect costs (facilities & administrative overhead) for non University of Wisconsin–Madison clients.
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