Primate Info Net (PIN), pioneered by Larry Jacobsen, Ray Hamel and Paul DuBois, was historically maintained by the Lawrence Jacobsen Library staff at the Wisconsin National Primate Research Center (WNPRC). The Lawrence Jacobsen Library programs were supported by grant numbers RR000167 and RR015311 of the National Primate Research Centers Program in the Office of Research Infrastructure Programs, and by the National Center for Research Resources of the National Institutes of Health. PIN is currently supported by ORIP grant number P51OD011106 to the Wisconsin National Primate Research Center and is managed by Jordana Lenon, with contributions from many in the primatological community.
PIN began in 1995 as a Gopher site and transitioned to a World Wide Web site in 1996. In the 2000s, it grew to comprise more than 8,000 pages — many of which have now been condensed or are hosted elsewhere. At its peak, PIN received more than 18.6 million hits annually.
Over the years, numerous experts in primatology have contributed their time and expertise to PIN, and we would like to thank them:
- David Abbott
- Jeanne Altmann
- Sylvia Atsalis
- Karen Bales
- Stephane Barbe
- Adrian Barnett
- Kristen Barron
- Fred Bercovitch
- Ramesh Boonratana
- Sarah Boyle
- Claud A. Bramblett
- Linda Brent
- Frances Burton
- Tom Butynski
- Richard W. Byrne
- John Capitanio
- Laura McMahon Chervenak
- Sylvia Corte
- Carolyn Crockett
- Stella de la Torre
- Gabriela de Luna
- Frans de Waal
- Eric Delson
- Robin Dunbar
- Karin Enstam
- Peter Fashing
- Eduardo Fernandez-Duque
- Helena Fitch-Snyder
- Sylvain Gatti
- Colin Groves
- Nanda Grow
- Tara Harris
- Marie-Claude Hepp-Reymond
- Victoria Horner
- Sue Howell
- Kevin Hunt
- Simon Husson
- Reinhold Hutz
- Laurie Kauffman
- Joe Kemnitz
- Margaret Kinnaird
- Joanna Lambert
- Jean-Baptiste Leca
- Gary Linn
- Gabriele Lubach
- Lesleigh Luttrell
- Jessica Lynch Alfaro
- Dario Maestripieri
- W. Scott McGraw
- Alan Mootnick
- Liza Moscovice
- Stephen Nash
- Leanne Nash
- Ryne Palombit
- Erik Patel
- Lori Perkins
- Odile Petit
- Andrew Petto
- Leila Porter
- Joyce Powzyk
- Jackie Pritchard
- Alissa Pruess
- Becky Raboy
- Jan Ramer
- Lisa G. Rapaport
- Viktor Reinhardt
- Renmei Ren
- Nancy Ruggeri
- Anthony Rylands
- Michelle Sauther
- Anne Savage
- David Seelig
- Juan Carlos Serio-Silva
- Joanna Setchell
- Charles Southwick
- Eleanor Sterling
- Tara Stoinski
- Karen Strier
- Linda L. Taylor
- Sarah Turner
- Hideo Uno
- Steve Veloff
- Elaine Videan
- Dionisios Youlatos
- Toni Ziegler
We’d also like to thank the many faculty, staff, student assistants and volunteers past and present (and future!) who have played a role in developing or supporting PIN:
- Sterling Anderson
- Erica Andrist
- Elaine Ayers
- Graham L Banes
- Bob Becker
- Joanne Brown (WNPRC Library)
- Melissa Browne
- Cheryl Busuttil
- Neal Chen
- Christopher Cliff
- Kaye Crampton
- Tanner Dabel
- Rebecca Dallwig
- Josh Dircks
- Paul DuBois
- Lyra Eugenio-Thomson (WNPRC Library)
- Matt Goins
- Kurt Gron
- Ray Hamel (WNPRC Library)
- John Hearn
- Matt Hoffman (WNPRC Library)
- Larry Jacobsen (WNPRC Library)
- Derek Johnson
- Deb Jurmu
- Joe Kemnitz
- Kristina Cawthon Lang
- Kara Lascola
- Jordana Lenon
- Bryan Lenz
- Jon Levine
- Valerie Love
- Tom Lynch
- Eileen Maher
- Arthur Mask
- Casey Massino
- Dan Metzger
- Jason Mielens
- Greg Nass
- Jonathan Nelson
- Karissa Pabst
- J Park
- Alissa Pruess
- Ryan Rau
- Cynthia Robinson
- Emily Rothwell
- Diane Rowe
- Kay Scanlan
- Paul Schechter
- Heather Swartz
- Leah Ujda
- Jayne Vanderwerker
- Diana Wheeler
- Jack Williams
Primate Info Net (PIN) is maintained by the Wisconsin National Primate Research Center (WNPRC) at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, with countless grants and contributions from others over time. Old content, if still available, is archived at PIN-Classic. PIN is an ever-growing community effort: if you’d like to contribute, or have questions, please don’t hesitate to contact us.
Content provided on Primate Info Net is provided in good faith and is for general informational purposes only. The Wisconsin National Primate Research Center, which hosts this site, is not responsible for the accuracy, adequacy, validity, reliability, availability or completeness of any information on this site. Additional information on Copyright Law, Terms of Use and Fair Use is provided here.