AV Resources

The Lawrence Jacobsen Library built a collection of over 6,500 natural history images depicting hundreds of nonhuman primate species. A selection of these images is available here.

As a taxonomic order, primates show a diversity in size and shape, hair length and coloring, movement and vocal calls that is breathtaking and spectacular. Use the links on this page to experience even the rarest of habitats and the animals inhabiting them.

We’re always interested in donations of high quality images of nonhuman primates, especially for species that are under-represented in our collection. Please contact us if you would like to contribute an image.

All images in the Audiovisual Collection of the Wisconsin National Primate Research Center (WNPRC) are copyrighted under the copyright laws of U.S. Code Title 17. These images may not be duplicated, reproduced, televised or stored for later retrieval in print or electronic format, in whole or in part, without the written permission of the copyright holder.

View photos selected from the Lawrence Jacobsen Library’s historic collection.
Audio (Primate Vocalizations)
Hear calls and other sounds made by more than twenty different primate species.
The Primates Slidesets / Online Tutorials
This educational resource includes images, annotated script, classroom activities, and more and is a great introduction to primates classroom use.
Primates in Art and Illustration Historical Image Collection
A selection of drawings and illustrations from the Jacobsen Library’s digital collection of natural history images.
Primates in Art and Illustration Artists’ Directory
A list of artists with an interest in non-human primates.

Other AV Resources

We thank the staff of the former Lawrence Jacobsen Library and our additional AV Resources Contributors!