The primates in art and illustration collection, part of the Audiovisual collection at the Wisconsin Primate Research Center, includes images of a variety of nonhuman primate species. This collection of images was made possible through funding from the University of Wisconsin Libraries and is intended to complement the natural history slides. The images are drawn from a variety of printed sources and reveal, over time, how humans have depicted nonhuman primates, often reflecting their own culture, mores and attitudes through their representations. Included are examples of fine art, illustration, and sculpture, as well as other media. The Center is especially indebted to Stephen Nash, Scientific Illustrator and Adjunct Associate Professor at the State University of New York, Stony Brook who collaborated on the project and compiled the images for this collection. In most instances the images included in this collection are copyright-free, but it is always advisable to check copyright ownership before using images.
Examples of illustrations from nineteenth century works:
- Edward Griffith’s General and Particular Descriptions of the Vertebrated Animals, 1821
- William Jardine’s Natural History of the Monkeys, 1833
- Ludwig Reichenbach’s Complete Natural History of the Apes, 1862.
- Hugo Rheinhold and his Philosophizing Monkey 1892
Related Links:
- Primates in Art and Illustration Artists’ Directory
- WNPRC Audiovisual Collection
- The Monkey in Art
- Monkey Portraits by Jill Greenberg
Consultant to the Primates in Art and Illustration Image Collection:
Stephen Nash
Conservation International/State University of New York
Department of Anatomical Sciences
Academic Tower A, T-8, Room 045
Health Sciences Center
Stony Brook, NY 11794 USA
Phone: (631) 444-3132
Fax: (631) 444-3947