Copyright Permission

Images, audio, and video files appearing on our website are largely donations and come from illustrators, photographers, primatologists, and researchers all over the world. All have granted us the right to use their images on our website; many have extended those rights to include educational uses beyond our organization. In some cases, images on our website are in the public domain.

If you wish to use or reproduce any of the multimedia content on our website, it is up to you to obtain permission from the copyright holder; copyright for nearly all materials in the library collection has been retained by individual contributors. We also support Fair Use, but we cannot provide advice on whether your intended use qualifies; if you are at all unsure, we strongly encourage you to contact the copyright holder.

Any and all use of materials from Primate Info Net (PIN) must cite the copyright holder’s name and the support of the Wisconsin National Primate Research Center (WNPRC).