Vocal Repertoires of Non-Human Primates

Following is a selected bibliography of citations and audiovisual resources which pertain to vocal repertoires of non-human primates. These citations are derived from a search of the literature using various on-line databases. If you have suggestions for adding items to this bibliography, please contact us.

Please visit the WNPRC Audiovisual Archives for additional materials on primate vocalizations, both in the audiotape collection and recorded on videos held in the collection.



2. Binz, H and E Zimmermann. “The vocal repertoire of adult tree shrews (Tupaia belangeri).” BEHAVIOUR 109(1-2): 142-162, 1989.

3. Cleveland, J and CT Snowdon. “The complex vocal repertoire of the adult cotton-top tamarin (Saguinus oedipus oedipus).” ZEITSCHRIFT FUER TIERPSYCHOLOGIE 58: 231-270, 1982.

4. Deputte, B and Goustard M. ” [Vocal repertoire of the crested gibbon (Hylobates concolor leucogenys): Structural analysis of vocalization.]” ZEITSCHRIFT FUER TIERPSYCHOLOGIE 48: 225-250, 1978. (French w/ English & German summaries)

5. Gautier, J-P. “[The vocal repertoire of Cercopithecus cephus]” Z TIERPSYCHOL 46(2): 113-169, 1978

6. Gittins, SP. “The vocal repertoire and song of the agile gibbon.” In: Pp. 354-375 in THE LESSER APES: EVOLUTIONARY AND BEHAVIOURAL BIOLOGY. H. Preuschoft; D.J. Chivers; W.Y. Brockelman; N. Creel, eds. Edinburgh, Edinburgh University Press, 1984.

7. Glenn, ME and K Bensen. “Comparisons of the vocal repertoire of mainland- and island- dwelling mona monkeys (Cercopithecus mona) in Africa and the Caribbean.” AMERICAN JOURNAL OF PRIMATOLOGY 42(2) 113, 1997.

8. Hammerschmidt, K; V Ansorge and J Fischer. “Age-related variations in the vocal repertoire of Barbary macaques.” In: Pp. 287-295 in CURRENT PRIMATOLOGY, VOL. II: SOCIAL DEVELOPMENT, LEARNING AND BEHAVIOUR. J.J. Roeder; B. Thierry; J.R. Anderson; N. Herrenschmidt, eds. Strasbourg, Univ. Louis Pasteur, 1994.

9. Hammerschmidt, K; V Ansorge and J Fischer. “The vocal repertoire of Barbary macaques.” In: Pp. 224-225 in XIVTH CONGRESS OF THE INTERNATIONAL PRIMATOLOGICAL SOCIETY. Strasbourg, IPS, 1992.

10. Hammerschmidt, K and Fischer J. “The vocal repertoire of Barbary macaques: A quantitative analysis of a graded signal system.” ETHOLOGY 104(3): 203-216, 1998.

11. Harcourt, AH; KJ Stewart and M Hauser. “Functions of wild gorilla ‘close’ calls. I. Repertoire, context, and interspecific comparison.” BEHAVIOUR 124(1-2): 89-122, 1993.

12. Kowalewski, F. “An approach towards an objective classification of squirrel monkey’s vocal repertoire.” CONGRESS OF THE INTERNATIONAL PRIMATOLOGICAL SOCIETY 15: 271, 1994.

13. Macedonia, JM. “The vocal repertoire of the ringtailed lemur (Lemur catta).” FOLIA PRIMATOLOGICA 61(4): 186-217, 1993.

14. Maurus, M; B Geissler; B Kuehlmorgen and E Wiesner. “The effects of brain stimulation when categorizing the behavioral repertoire of squirrel monkeys.” BEHAVIORAL AND NEURAL BIOLOGY 32: 438-447, 1981.

15. Maurus, M; K-M Streit; D Barclay; E Wiesner and B Kuehlmorgen. “Interrelations between structure and function in the vocal repertoire of Saimiri: Asking the monkeys themselves where to split and where to lump.” EUROPEAN ARCHIVES OF PSYCHIATRY AND NEUROLOGICAL SCIENCES 236(1): 35-39, 1986.

16. Maurus, M.; H. Pruscha; E. Wiesner and B. Geissler. “Categorization of behavioural repertoire with respect to communicative meaning of social signals” Zeitschrift fur Tierpsychologie 51: 48-57 1979

17. Nietsch, A and C Niemitz. “The vocal-acoustical repertoire of free-ranging Tarsius spectrum.” INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PRIMATOLOGY 8(5): 483, 1987.

18. Omedes, A. “Behavioural repertoire of adult silvery marmosets Callithrix a. argentata and Callithrix a. melanura.” MISCELLANIA ZOOLOGICA 7: 193-211, 1981.

19. Oppenheimer, JR. “Social and communicatory behavior in the Cebus monkey” In: Behavioral Regulators of Behavior in Primates C. R. Carpenter, ed. 251-271 1973

20. Palombit, RA. “A preliminary study of vocal communication in wild long-tailed macaques (Macaca fascicularis). I. Vocal repertoire and call emission.” INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PRIMATOLOGY 13(2): 143-182, 1992.

21. Pereira, ME; ML Seeligson and JM Macedonia. “The behavioral repertoire of the black-and-white ruffed lemur, Varecia variegata variegata (Primates: Lemuridae).” FOLIA PRIMATOLOGICA 51(1): 1-32, 1988.

22. Peters, EH. “Grading in the vocal repertoire of Silver Springs rhesus monkeys.” In: Pp. 161-168 in PRIMATE ONTOGENY, COGNITION AND SOCIAL BEHAVIOUR. J.G. Else; P.C. Lee, eds. New York, Cambridge University Press, 1986.

23. Peters, EH. “Vocal repertoire breadth in wild Florida monkeys.” AMERICAN JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL ANTHROPOLOGY 66(2): 214, 1985.

24. Raemaekers, JJ; PM Raemaekers and EH Haimoff. “Loud calls of the gibbon (Hylobates lar): Repertoire, organisation and context.” BEHAVIOUR 91(1-3): 146-189, 1984.

25. Ren, R-m; K-h Yan; Y-j Su; Q-w Wang and Y-z Sun. “[Comparison of the patterns of social behavioral repertoire between Macaca Thibetana and Macaca mulatta.]” HSIN LI HSUEH PAO/ ACTA PSYCHOL SIN 22(4): 441-446, 1990.

26. Stanger, K. “Vocal repertoire and corresponding behaviour patterns of Cheirogaleus medius, Microcebus murinus, and Galago demidovii.” PRIMATE REPORT (14): 14-15, 1986.

27. Waal, FBM de. “The communicative repertoire of captive bonobos (Pan paniscus), compared to that of chimpanzees.” BEHAVIOUR 106: 183-251, 1988. (ARCHIVES 001246)

28. Wallis, SJ. “The behavioural repertoire of the grey-cheeked mangabey Cercocebus albigena johnstoni.” PRIMATES 22: 523-532, 1981.

29. Zimmermann, E. “Variability of vocal patterns in the vocal repertoire of mouse lemurs.” In: Pp. 223-224 in XIVTH CONGRESS OF THE INTERNATIONAL PRIMATOLOGICAL SOCIETY. Strasbourg, IPS, 1992.

30. Zimmermann, E. “The vocal repertoire of the adult Senegal bushbaby (Galago senegalensis senegalensis).” BEHAVIOUR 94(3-4): 212-233, 1985.