International Directory of Primatology
The International Directory of Primatology, a flagship resource of Primate Info Net, provides information about organizations, population management groups, information resources and people currently active in many areas of primate research, education and conservation. Please contact us if you need assistance finding a research organization or type of research organization, or if you would like to add your research organization to the IDP.
Research and Animal Care Resources
We have incorporated PIN Classic’s page and links into the below listings. (Please contact us to suggest more links.)
Research Resources
- International Primate Aging Database (PAD)
The PAD is a multicentered, relational database of biological variables in aging, captive nonhuman primates containing 1,073,287 data points for body weight, blood chemistry and hematology, for healthy subjects across time. -
This site for researchers lists the services, capabilities, animals and resources, pilot research grant opportunities and more at the seven U.S. National Primate Research Centers, which are funded by the National Institutes of Health, Office of Research and Structured Programs. - Great Ape Information Network (Japanese and English)
- Nonhuman Primates Genetics and Genomics Resources
- Johns Hopkins University Center for Alternatives to Animal Testing
Animal Care and Welfare Resources and Forums
- AAALAC-International
- Association of Primate Veterinarians
- American Veterinary Association statement on animal welfare
- USDA Animal Welfare Information Center
- The 3 Rs and Animal Welfare
1) The 3 Rs and Animal Welfare (from Understanding Animal Research website)
2) Replacement, Reduction & Refinement (3 Rs) (USDA website)
3) PIN’s brief description of the 3Rs - Health and welfare research in captive and wild primates (a list of scientific journal references from the National Primate Research Centers)
- Animal Welfare Information Center
A department of the USDA National Agricultural Library offering information on improved animal care and use in research, teaching, and testing. - Animal Welfare Legislation and Policies
Legislation, policies and guidelines concerning the welfare of primates in research. Information about IACUCs, importation/exportation, and inspections is included. - International standards for the care and use of laboratory animals (2019 summary by Kent Scientific.)
- Nonhuman Primate and Other Research Animal Bite, Scratch, Splash, and Exposure (BSSE) Guidelines, April 2021, Office of Animal Care and Use, National Institutes of Health.
- Laboratory Animal Refinement and Enrichment Forum (LAREF)
See also Organizations Protecting Primates
(Includes organizations promoting science, welfare, protection, education.)
Primate Diseases
- CDC Parasites
- CDC Monkeypox Homepage
- Mad cow disease (Spontaneous spongiform encephalopathy) in Monkeys
- Guidelines for the Prevention and Control of Tuberculosis in Nonhuman Primates (NIH Internmural Program)
- Nonhuman Primate HIV/SIV Trials Vaccine Database (University of Michigan)
- In Their Own Words … NIH Researchers Recall the Early Years of AIDS

Biomedical Research Advocacy and Education
- Foundation for Biomedical Research
(includes COVID-19 nonhuman primate research updates) - Americans for Medical Progress
(includes COVID-19 nonhuman primate research updates) - European Animal Research Association
- Understanding Animal Research (UK)
- Understanding Animal Research (Germany)
- Canadian Council on Animal Care
- Speaking of Research (International)
- Animal Research Tomorrow (International)
- National Primate Research Centers (USA)
- Contributions of nonhuman primate research to human health
Animal Advocacy, Animal Rights and Animal Protection Organizations
The scientific study of primates, as well as other human uses of primates and other animals, is a perennial hot topic in the news, society and legislatively. We encourage visitors to PIN to learn more and become critical thinkers about the many views related to animal research, animal welfare and animal rights. The International Animal Advocacy, Animal Rights and Animal Protection Organizations website is just one of many starting points to learn more about broader views surrounding animal research.