This table contains individuals listed in the International Directory of Primatology, and can be searched and filtered to locate specific people based on their affiliations, countries, research interests and focal species. Click on the ‘E’ and ‘W’ symbols to link to e-mail and web addresses, where available. If you wish to be added to the IDP or would like to provide an update, please contact us at
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wdt_ID | Last Name | First Name | Institution | Department | Street Address | City | State | Postal Code | Country | Position | Areas of Interest | Focal Species | E | W | Date Added | Date Updated |
1 | Aagaard-Tillery | Kjersti | Baylor College of Medicine | Obstetrics and Gynecology | Houston | TX | USA | Professor | Immunology, epigenomics, microbiome, metagenomics, comparative biology, pregnancy, fetal growth, in utero exposures | E | W | 23/07/2012 | 05/08/2020 | |||
2 | Abbott | David | Wisconsin National Primate Research Center, UW-Madison | Medical School, Obstet. and Gynecol. | 1223 Capitol Court | Madison | WI | 53715 | USA | Professor | Reproductive neuroendocrinology, behavior, polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) | Common Marmoset (Callithrix jacchus) , Rhesus Monkey (Macaca mulatta), Tamarins | E | W | 05/08/1997 | 06/08/2020 |
3 | Abbott | Kristin | University Medical Center Groningen | Department of Biological Anthropology | Downing Street | Cambridge | CB2 3DZ | Netherlands | Postdoctoral Researcher | Molecular genetics, pathology, behaviour | Mandrill (Mandrillus sphinx) | E | W | 05/01/1999 | 05/08/2020 | |
4 | Abee | Christian | MD Anderson Cancer Center | Dept of Veterinary Sciences | 650 Cool Water Drive | Bastrop | TX | 78602 | USA | Doctor R. Lee Clark Professor and Chair | Medical primatology, reproduction | Squirrel Monkey (Saimiri), Owl Monkey (Aotus) | E | W | 01/08/1997 | 14/04/2009 |
6 | Abney | Dawn | Charles River Laboratories | Laboratory Animal Medicine | 6995 Longley Lane | Reno | NV | 89511 | USA | Senior Supervisor, Behavioral Services | Primate socializations, PRT training, enrichment | E | 27/06/2005 | 03/03/2009 | ||
7 | Abra | Lisa | Taronga Zoo | Exotic Mammals | P.O.Box 20 | Mosman | New South Wales | 2088 | Australia | Senior Keeper | South-east Asian Mammal Conservation/Infant development/behaviour/research | Great Apes/Old World Monkeys | E | 05/02/1998 | 06/03/2009 | |
8 | Abraham | Carmela | Boston University | Departments of Biochemistry and Medicine, Boston University School of Medicine | 715 Albany Street | Boston | MA | 2118 | USA | Professor of Biochemistry and Medicine | Brain aging and pathological processes of Alzheimer’s disease and multiple sclerosis. | Rhesus (Macaca mulatta) | E | W | 10/07/1998 | 22/06/2009 |
9 | Ackermann | Rebecca Rogers | University of Cape Town | Department of Archaeology | Private Bag | Rondebosch | 7701 | South Africa | Morphological variation & integration | Extant Apes (including humans), Baboons, Tamarins, Australopithecines and Other Extinct Hominids | E | W | 10/03/2003 | 30/07/2009 | ||
10 | Adachi | Ikuma | Emory University | Yerkes National Primate Research Center | 954 Gatewood Rd | Atlanta | GA | 30329 | USA | Postdoc | Comparative cognitive science, Social cognition in primates, Cognitive development of primates. In particular, Cross-modal representations, Categorization, Face recognition, Perception of point-light biological motion. | Chimpanzee, macaque monkeys, capuchin monkey, squirrel monkey, marmosets. | E | W | 30/08/2006 | 31/08/2006 |
11 | Adams | Michael | Wake Forest University Medical Center | Pathology (Comparative Medicine) | Medical Center Boulevard | Winston-Salem | NC | 27157 | USA | Professor | Monkey models of cardiovascular disease Primate reproduction | All species, primarily macaques | E | W | 22/09/1995 | 10/03/2009 |
† indicates that a person is deceased. Out of respect for our colleagues, we retain these entries for posterity, unless otherwise requested.
Primate Info Net (PIN) is maintained by the Wisconsin National Primate Research Center (WNPRC) at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, with countless grants and contributions from others over time. PIN is an ever-growing community effort: if you’d like to contribute, or have questions, please don’t hesitate to contact us.