Primate Educational Resources

Audiovisual Resources
Information about videotapes, audiotapes, slides and other audiovisual materials collected by the Wisconsin Primate Center Library.
Learn about Callithrix jacchus, the common marmoset, while viewing a family of these New World monkeys through the WNPRC’s interactive live webcam.
Careers in Primatology
Information and advice for those considering a career path related to working with primates in research, education, conservation or veterinary medicine.
Career and Educational Programs
Please visit the PIN Career Groups: Jobs, Volunteers Opportunities, Degree and other programs
Primate Factsheets
Find information about the nonhuman primate species, including behavior, conservation, ecology, morphology and taxonomy. The Factsheets also provide hundreds of images, audio files and links to other websites.
The Primates Slideset / Online Tutorials
A three-part slide set introducing the topics of primate behavior, primate conservation, and primate taxonomy. Available online or as a loan for classroom use.
Lesson Plans & Curriculum
Links to lesson plans and curricula for various educational levels.
Amusements / For Fun
Links to games, puzzles, web cams and other fun (and occasionally educational) resources.